Sarawak Handbook of Medical Emergencies


If you have ever practiced as a junior doctor or pharmacist in Malaysia, you most probably have heard of this book.

  • If you did not, I highly recommend you to purchase it.

Sarawak Handbook of Medical Emergencies


As stated in the preface to first edition, the idea of writing a little handbook on guidelines on the treatment of medical emergencies came while Dr Soo Huat-Huat was working as a medical officer in a small district hospital where he was expected to be an "all-rounder".

  • The spectrum of cases encountered in any hospital is rather diverse and it would be such an invaluable help to have a reliable and yet simple handbook to refer to.

The 4th edition marks the 20th anniversary on the publication of the Sarawak Handbook of Medical Emergencies and the original author Dr Soo Huat-Huat is already a consultant neurologist at Timberland Medical Centre, Kuching.


The handbook provides a handy, portable and concise bedside management of various medical emergencies and urgencies from cardiology to snake bite management.

The Next Edition

Hopefully, the handbook will be updated in a timely manner, instead of another 7-8 years wait.

External Link
