Critical Care Pharmacy Handbook
The Clinical Pharmacy Working Committee (Critical Care Pharmacy Subspecialty) published the first Critical Care Pharmacy Handbook in 2013.
- This handbook has served as a valuable, quick and comprehensive reference guide since its initial publication.
- In 2020, a second edition of the handbook was released.
NOTE: It is somewhat surprising to consider that the local pharmacy references heavily relied upon during provisional registered pharmacist training have now been updated to newer editions.
In 2005, Jean-Louis Vincent introduced the "FAST HUG" mnemonic as a means of identifying and checking some of the key aspects in the general care of all critically ill patients.
- Feeding
- Analgesia
- Sedation
- Thromboembolic prophylaxis
- Head-of-bed elevation
- stress Ulcer prevention
- Glucose control
This was subsequently updated to "FAST HUGS BID" mnemonic by Vincent and Hatton.
- Feeding
- Analgesia
- Sedation
- Thromboembolic prophylaxis
- Head-up
- Ulcer prophylaxis
- Glycaemic control
- Spontaneous breathing trial
- Bowel movement
- Indwelling catheter
- Drug de-escalation
Two additional valuable resources for critical care in Malaysia are:
External Links
- Give your patient a fast hug (at least) once a day, 2005
- Critically ill patients need "FAST HUGS BID" (an updated mnemonic), 2009
- A Standardized, Structured Approach to Identifying Drug-Related Problems in the Intensive Care Unit: FASTHUG-MAIDENS, 2011
- FAST HUGS BID: Modified Mnemonic for Surgical Patient, 2017
- Critical Care Pharmacy Handbook, 2020
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