The End


One of my favourite novels is The Five People You Meet in Heaven by Mitch Albom. The story begins with an intriguing introduction that draws the reader into the book.

  • It might seem strange to start a story with an ending, but all endings are also beginnings. We just don't know it at the time.

It Might Seem Strange to Start a Story with an Ending. But All Endings are also Beginnings.

The Symphony of Expertise

Everyone living in this world is an expert in their own field.

  • As a pharmacist, I can confidently handle medication consultations, but would not dream of fixing a car or building a house.
  • We rely on each other's expertise to get things done, creating a symphony of skills that keeps the world running smoothly.

There is a key difference between what you do for passion and what you do for a living.

  • Your professional work demands continuous effort to stay ahead of the curve. You strive for excellence and push boundaries within your chosen field.
  • But, passion is different. It is a project fuelled by interest. When pursuing a passion, you might give up when you feel it is the right time.

The Crossroads

The time has come for me to contemplate the next direction for my professional and personal growth. Several potential paths beckon:

  • Continuing the blog
  • Exploring a new passion
  • Pursuing further education, such as a master's degree in pharmacy or information technology
  • Embarking on a career in future pharmacy education

However, after years of dedicated blogging, I have hit a wall of burnout.

  • The effort invested has not yielded the financial success I initially envisioned.
  • The rise of AI tools like ChatGPT means many readily available answers exist for the public.


Therefore, I decide to take a well-deserved break and focus on living in the present moment.

  • Blog updates will be minimal in the foreseeable future as I recharge and explore new possibilities.

Hard to Find


  1. Thank you ��. I love all your sharing.

  2. understand your current situation. thank you for all useful information to help next future generation of pharmacists. take a break and come back when you like to. <3

  3. Thank you for all the sharing, I do occasionally browse your blog for new updates :)

  4. Thank you for your sharing and take care 😀

  5. Thank you for your efforts and sharing. I do feel inspired by your continuous learning and efforts, and browse your blog from time to time for learning purpose. Thank you and all the best for your future endeavours!


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