Keyboard Shortcuts in Windows
Are you eager to impress others with your tech-savvy skills?
- Believe it or not, it is not as challenging as you might assume.
- With practice, these shortcuts will become second nature to you, allowing you to work like a pro in no time.
Ctrl Key
Ctrl + Alt + Del: Open the Security Options Menu, which includes Lock, Log Off, Shut Down and Task Manager
Ctrl + A: Select everything on the screen
Ctrl + C: Copy the selected item(s) to the clipboard
Ctrl + X: Cut the selected item(s) to the clipboard
Ctrl + V: Paste the item(s) from the clipboard
Ctrl + Z: Undo the last action
Ctrl + Y: Redo the last action
Ctrl + F: Open the "Find" dialog box to search for a word or phrase
Ctrl + P: Print the current document or webpage
Ctrl + +: Zoom in to enlarge the text and images
Ctrl + -: Zoom out to reduce the text and images
Ctrl + 0: Reset the zoom level to the default
Alt Key
Alt + Tab: Switch between open apps
Alt + F4: Close the active app or shut down Windows
Alt + F: Open the File menu in the current program
Alt + ←: Go back to the previous page in a web browser or Windows Explorer
Alt + →: Go forward to the next page in a web browser or Windows Explorer
Windows Logo Key
Windows Logo Key: Open or close Start menu
Windows Logo Key + D: Show or hide the desktop
Windows Logo Key + E: Open File Explorer
Windows Logo Key + R: Open the Run dialog box
Windows Logo Key + Tab: Open Task View to see all open programs
Windows Logo Key + ↑: Maximize the current program to fill the screen
Windows Logo Key + ←: Snap the current program to the left half of the screen
Windows Logo Key + →: Snap the current program to the right half of the screen
Esc: Stop or exit the current task
PrtSc: Take a screenshot of whole screen and copy it to the clipboard
F1: Opens the help file for the active window
F5: Refresh the active window to update its content
Shift + Delete: Delete the selected item(s) permanently without sending them to the Recycle Bin
Word Processing Software
Ctrl + N: Create a new document
Ctrl + S: Save the current document
Ctrl + O: Open an existing document
Ctrl + B: Make the text bold
Ctrl + I: Make the text italic
Ctrl + U: Underline the text
Shift + Any Letter: Capitalize the letter
Shift + F3: Change the case of the highlighted text (lowercase, UPPERCASE and Title Case)
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