Protect From Light


Light exposure causes photodegradation, which destroys some drugs, and in some cases, increases a drug's toxicity (e.g. nitroprusside).

Many medications should be protected from light during storage to avoid degradation.

  • Some medications are supplied in amber (light-protected) vials, while others are stored in the original packaging (foil overwrap or box) until needed.

Protect During Administration

A small number of drugs are so light-sensitive that they require protection from light during administration.

  • In some cases, pharmacy staff dispense these medications with a light-protective tubing (generally amber-coloured).


  • Amphotericin B
  • Doxorubicin
  • Doxycycline
  • Pegfilgrastim and biosimilars
  • Phytonadione
  • Selexipag
  • Sodium nitroprusside
  • Thiotepa - subject to manufacturer

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