Think and Grow Rich


Think and Grow Rich, by Napoleon Hill, is a self-improvement book focused on achieving success, particularly financial success.

  • In the preface, Napoleon Hill claimed that his work was inspired by conversations with Andrew Carnegie in 1908.
  • The book outlines a 13-step framework, "The 13 Steps to Riches", based on the Law of Success philosophy.
  • Importantly, building wealth generally requires the persistent application of all thirteen factors.

Think and Grow Rich

Contrary to the popular belief that riches come only to those who work long and hard, the book suggests that achieving wealth starts with a clear mindset and a definite purpose (success conscious), not necessarily with an emphasis on sheer effort.

  • Also, immense wealth rarely comes by chance or luck.
  • Success is more likely to come to those who actively focus on achieving it, while failure tends to find those who passively accept defeat.

Opportunity can often be disguised as misfortune or a temporary setback.

  • Many of history's greatest success came just a single step beyond the point where defeat seemed inevitable
  • When faced with defeat, the easiest and most common response is to give up.
  • This explains why so many people miss out on opportunities.


Desire is the foundation for achievement, including financial wealth. It all starts with knowing exactly what you want.

Develop a keen, pulsating burning desire (an obsession) to achieve a specific goal or outcome.

  • This intense motivation will fuel your actions, even in the face of difficulties that would discourage most people.
  • This requires complete commitment to your goal. Invest all your energy, willpower, and effort with no room for retreat or second-guessing. It's win or lose!

True dreamers never give up.

  • Their burning desire has a remarkable ability to transform itself into tangible results.

I am the Master of My Fate


Develop unwavering faith in yourself and your ability to achieve your goal.

  • Faith is a state of mind which may be induced, or created, by affirmation or repeated instructions to the subconscious mind, through the principle of autosuggestion. With consistent practice, your subconscious mind will accept these messages and act upon them immediately without any questioning and judgement.
  • Essentially, what you repeated tell yourself shapes your beliefs, whether those statements are true or false. This application of faith can address one of the greatest human weaknesses: a lack of self-confidence.
  • Similarly, faith influences our perception of value. We might believe a piece of land or a business is worth a high price because of our ingrained convictions.

In essence, your belief and faith shape the action of your subconscious mind.

  • With strong faith, the belief of poverty and failure will be transmuted to its physical equivalent. The same principle applies to success.

If you think you are beaten, you are,
If you think you dare not, you don’t
If you like to win, but you think you can’t,
It is almost certain you won’t.

If you think you’ll lose, you’re lost
For out of the world we find,
Success begins with a fellow’s will—
It’s all in the state of mind.

If you think you are outclassed, you are,
You’ve got to think high to rise,
You’ve got to be sure of yourself before
You can ever win a prize.

Life’s battles don’t always go
To the stronger or faster man,
But soon or late the man who wins
Is the man who thinks he can!”

Riches Begin in the Form of Thought


Simply put, autosuggestion is another term for self-suggestion.

  • Through self-administered stimuli targeting the five senses, autosuggestion becomes the medium for influencing the subconscious mind.
  • Although these messages can be filtered out by the conscious thinking mind, in most cases, people do not actively do this.

The subconscious mind can be compared to a fertile garden. Once thoughts, both positive and negative, are planted, they will flourish and become the dominant thoughts that characterize you.

  • Therefore, using positive self-talk and affirmations is crucial to reinforce your beliefs and goals.
  • Reading your desired statements aloud with mixing emotion and faith, and using imagination to see yourself achieving the goal and experiencing the emotion of success, can help your subconscious mind recognize them and take action.

Specialized Knowledge

There are two main types of knowledge: general and specialized.

  • General knowledge, regardless of its quantity or variety, has little use in accumulating wealth. For example, most professors specialise in teaching knowledge, not its practical application.
  • Specialized knowledge, on the other hand, is the foundation of ideas and what you offer in exchange for fortune. This knowledge should be directly related to the service, merchandise, or profession you provide.

Formal education is just the beginning. Schools teach you how to acquire practical knowledge through a general academic curriculum.

  • We must never stop acquiring specialized knowledge and skills needed to achieve our goals (i.e. goal directed learning).
  • Wealthy people do not need to possess all knowledge themselves. They can leverage the power of "Master Mind" groups, which combine the expertise of multiple individuals.
Remember, knowledge is only potential power.

  • Unless applied, knowledge has no value.
  • It becomes actual power only when organized into definite plans of action and directed towards a specific goal.


Capability stems from imagination. It is the key quality that allows us to combine specialized knowledge with ideas, transforming them into organized plans for achieving wealth.

  • We possess the potential to create anything we can conceive.
  • Imagination empowers us to formulate new solutions, even for seemingly unsurmountable problems.
Imagination manifests in two forms:
  • Synthetic imagination
    • This draws upon our experience, education and observation.
    • It allows us to rearrange existing concepts, ideas or plans into novel combinations.
    • Think of it as the "R-2 A-2 formula for success": recognize, relate, assimilate and apply.
  • Creative imagination
    • This sparks fresh, new ideas that emerge as "hunches" and "inspirations".

Both forms of imagination work in tandem, seamlessly switching between each other, especially when the conscious mind is actively engaged, often fuelled by the emotion of a strong desire.

  • Just like training a muscle, imagination can be strengthened through regular use.
Finally, ideas, though intangible forces, hold immense power.

  • They can outlive the physical brains that birth them, continuing to influence and inspire long after.

Organized Planning

To guarantee success in a critically important undertaking, you must have flawless plans.

  • Since no single individual can possess sufficient experience, education, native ability and knowledge, every plan you adopt to accumulate wealth should be a joint creation between yourself and every other member of your "Master Mind" group.
Persistence is key.
  • We often acknowledge only triumph, overlooking the temporary defeats that had to be overcome before achieving success.
  • Remember, when plans fail, it is a temporary setback, a sign that your plans lack practicality and workability.
  • It is not permanent failure until you quit in your own mind.
  • Continue rebuild those plans and set sail once more towards your desired goals until you find a sound plan.
A quitter new wins and a winner never quits.

NOTE: This chapter also delves into seemingly unrelated but important topics in organized planning such as leadership, applying for a position, the QQS rating system (quality, quantity, spirit), the 30 major causes of failure, annual self-analysis and opportunities to accumulate riches.


Procrastination, the opposite of decision, is a major roadblock to success.

  • Feeling lost and anxious often stems from the absence of a clear decision and a concrete plan.

To combat this, make a firm decision and commit to your plan.

  • Persistence is key, but remember, flexibility is important too.
  • If circumstances change, be willing to adapt your plan slowly and deliberately.

If you are influenced by the opinions of others (except the members of your "Master Mind" group, who will be in complete sympathy and harmony with your purpose), you will not have your own desire.

  • Everyone, for examples, close friends and relatives, has a flock of opinions ready to be bestowed upon anyone who will accept them.
  • Based on acquired facts, use your own brain and mind to reach your own decisions.


The starting point of all achievement is desire.

  • However, persistence is the essential factor that transmutes that desire into its monetary equivalent.
  • The basis of persistence is the power of will.

If you struggle with persistence, here is how to strengthen it:

  • Definite purpose
    • Amplify your desire with a clear vision of your goal.
  • Action plan
    • Develop a concrete plan and consistently take action to move forward. Avoid procrastination with or without cause.
  • Positive mindset
    • Eliminate negative influences like self-satisfaction, blame and fear of criticism. Cultivate a positive and encouraging inner voice.
  • Subconscious reinforcement
    • Use positive affirmations to solidify your goals in your subconscious mind and turn them into habits.
  • "Master Mind" group
    • Surround yourself with supportive and successful people who can inspire and motivate you.

Riches do not respond to mere wishes. They materialize only through definite plans fuelled by unwavering desires and consistent persistence.

  • Many people struggle to pick themselves up after multiple setbacks. In contrast, only a select few persevere despite obstacles, ultimately achieving great success.
Keep working towards your goal, even if progress feels slow at first or when faced with obstacles or setbacks.
  • With unwavering determination, success will eventually follow.
No one ever is defeated until defeat has been accepted as a reality.

Power of the Master Mind

No single person possesses enough experience, knowledge and talent to guarantee great wealth accumulation without the collaboration of others, especially for complex plans. Cooperation is essential.

  • Therefore, every plan you create for wealth building should be a joint effort between you and your "Master Mind" group.

The “Master Mind” is defined as: “The coordination of knowledge and effort, in a spirit of harmony, between two or more people, for the attainment of a definite purpose.”

  • By surrounding yourself with like-minded people who support and encourage you willingly, you can create significant economic advantages through their advice, counsel and personal cooperation.
  • The "psychic phase" of the Master Mind principle refers to when a group of minds working together in harmony, the coordinated effort produces more thought-energy than a single brain and creates a greater effect than the sum of individual efforts.

Before forming your “Master Mind” alliance, consider what benefits you can offer each member in exchange for their cooperation.

  • People would not work indefinitely without some form of compensation, which does not always have to be financial.
Schedule regular meetings with your Mastermind group, ideally twice a week or more often, until you have collaboratively developed a comprehensive plan for achieving your financial goals.

The Mystery of Sex Transmutation

The positive emotions of love, romance, and sexual desire can be some of the most powerful human motivators.

  • When driven by a desire to please a woman, men can develop a keenness of imagination, courage, willpower, persistence, and creative ability that may surprise even them.

However, the key is to transmute this sexual energy from a desire for physical contact into another form of desire and action, such as enthusiasm and determination.

  • Otherwise, the energy dissipates through overindulgence in physical expression.
To illustrate, many men who have accumulated great fortunes and achieved outstanding success were motivated by the influence or inspiration of a woman.

The Subconscious Mind

The subconscious mind is like a giant filling cabinet.

  • Every thought you experience through five senses (sight, hearing, touch, smell and taste) gets stored there, regardless of its nature (positive or negative) and can be recalled later
  • The subconscious mind acts a bridge between the finite mind of man and Infinite Intelligence.
  • This means you can intentionally plant plans, thoughts or goals in your subconscious mind to manifest them in the physical world or achieve financial success.

Remember, the subconscious mind acts first on the strongest desired fuelled by emotions, such as faith.

  • To harness this power, develop the habit of using positive emotions (e.g. desire, faith, love, sex, enthusiasm, romance and hope) to dominate your thoughts.
  • Conversely, negative emotions like fear, jealousy, hatred, revenge, greed, superstition and anger, can also influence your subconscious mind and hinder your progress. For instance, prayers filled with fear might not achieve the desired outcome.

The Brain

Similar to the principle of radio broadcasting, every human brain is capable of picking up thought vibrations released by other brains.

  • The subconscious mind acts as the brain's “sending station”, broadcasting vibrations of thoughts.
  • The creative imagination functions as the “receiving set,” picking up thought vibrations from the ether.
  • Through emotions (positive or negative), the vibration of thought may be altered.

Just as unseen and intangible forces like gravity control us, thought could be another such force that we poorly understand due to ignorance.

The Sixth Sense

The sixth sense is creative imagination, a channel through which Infinite Intelligence can communicate voluntarily, without any effort or demands from the individual. This often happens when ideas or concepts flash in one's mind.

The sources of this inspiration can be:

  • Infinite intelligence
  • One's subconsious mind
  • Conscious thoughts from other people
  • The subconscious mind of others

Trust your intuition and inner guidance to help you make wise decisions and achieve your goals.

  • Relying solely on accumulated experience for reasoning can be faulty because not all knowledge gained through experience is accurate.
  • On the other hand, the sixth sense can warn you of impending dangers in time for avoidance and notify you of opportunities you can seize.

For the sixth sense to function effectively, you need to clear out three mental enemies: indecision, doubt and fear.

  • Indecision is the seed of fear.
  • Indecision crystallizes into doubt, the two elements blend to become full-blown fear.
  • This “blending” process might be slow, but it is incredibly dangerous.
Poverty, criticism, ill health, loss of love of someone, old age and death are known as the "Six Ghosts of Fear".
  • These fears are the root cause causes of discouragement, timidity, procrastination, indifference, indecision, and a lack of ambition, self-reliance, initiative, self-control, and enthusiasm.
Remember, fear is nothing more than a mental state. You have the power to overcome it.

Your dream was more a reality than you may imagine it to have been.


Think and Grow Rich emphasizes the power of a strong desire and positive thinking (similar to the Law of Attraction) in achieving goals. However, it also advocates for developing a concrete plan to turn those desires into reality and taking action.

  • There is criticism surrounding the book, particularly regarding its promotion of unrealistic expectations and oversimplification of achieving wealth. Financial success is influenced by many factors beyond just mindset.
  • The transmutation of sex energy into creative drive is another concept that has generated considerable controversy.

Riches are not always measured in money.

  • While money gives us freedom, some find the greatest riches in strong friendships, loving families, supportive colleagues and inner peace.
