Poisons (Sodium Hydroxide) Regulations 1962
Regulation 2 of the Poisons (Sodium Hydroxide) Regulations defines sodium hydroxide as any substance containing not less than 12% of sodium hydroxide.
- This aligns with the First Schedule of the Poisons Act 1952, where content under 12% falls under Exempt.
Sell and Purchase
Regulation 3 states that a person commits an offence if they
- Sell sodium hydroxide to a purchaser who does not hold a permit to purchase it; or
- Buy sodium hydroxide from a seller who does not hold a licence to it.
Permit to Purchase, Store and Use of Sodium Hydroxide
Regulation 4 states that a permit to purchase, store and use of sodium hydroxide may be issued by the Director of Medical Services or any Licensing Officer of the Medical Department authorised in writing by the Director of Medical Services.
- The permit shall specify the maximum quantity of sodium hydroxide that may be purchased and the purpose for which it is required.
- It shall expire on 31st December of the year following the date of issue.
- Every application for a permit shall be accompanied by a non-refundable fee of RM100.
- If an amount less than the permitted amount has been purchased, the permit shall be returned to the purchaser after the required particulars have been entered in accordance with Regulation 5 of these Regulations.
Recording in Poisons Register
As stated in Regulation 5, a person who sells sodium hydroxide shall enter the following particulars in the Poisons Register and on the back of the permit produced by the purchaser:
- The date of sale;
- The quantity sold; and
- The name and address of the seller.
The Poisons (Sodium Hydroxide) Regulations 1962 are made in exercise of the powers conferred upon the Minister of Health and Social Welfare by section 30(1) of the Poisons Ordinance 1952.
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