Optimizing PDF (eBooks) with Bookmarks


The future of the medical world lies in technology advancements.

However, eBook in PDF format often have slow searching issues, which can be user-unfriendly. Today, you are going to learn tips on optimizing PDF searching experiences with bookmarks.

  • Bear in mind that PDF readers are content viewers with competitive features.

Remove Encryption

Image of an Encrypted PDF File

To edit a secured PDF file (or encrypted), we have to remove its encryption first.

  • Usually, I use the Encrypt and Decrypt options in PDFill PDF Tools to unlock them.
  • You may have to enter the password to unlock the encryption.

PDFill PDF Tools

  • Alternatively, some websites can help you to unlock secured PDF files.

However, be aware that removing encryption from a PDF without proper authorization may be illegal or unethical in certain situations.

Create Bookmarks in PDF

While many free PDF readers exist, including Adobe Acrobat Reader and Foxit Reader, most lack the ability to create bookmarks.

  • However, if creating bookmarks in PDFs is a priority for you and you are looking for a free option, consider using Foxit Reader version 2023.2 or earlier.

With Foxit Reader version 2023.2, you can create bookmarks using the feature on the left-hand side panel and save them at your desired location.

  • Repeat this process for any other page that you want to bookmark.

How to Create Bookmark in PDF

Once created, bookmarks in your PDF file allow you to easily navigate to specific topic.

PDF with Bookmarks

NOTE: The bookmarks that you created are usable at other PDF readers too.

Searching Within Bookmarks

Furthermore, the mobile Foxit PDF Editor can perform a search within the bookmarks.

  • This feature is extremely useful for quickly finding information within large PDF files, especially those that contain multiple chapters or sections.

Foxit PDF Editor

The instructions are as follows.

  • Open the PDF file in the Foxit PDF Editor.
  • Tap on the bookmark icon at the bottom right of the screen.

Bookmark Icon in Mobile Foxit PDF Reader

  • If the search row does not appear, slide down the bookmark panel slightly.

Drag Down to Trigger Foxit Reader Search Bar Foxit Reader Search Bar

  • Type the keyword in the search field.
  • Click on the desired bookmark to jump to that section of the PDF document.


In conclusion, creating bookmarks in PDF files is an excellent way to optimize your searching experience and improve your productivity when working with medical references or any other type of documents.
