Prior to 2017, the 8-item Modified Morisky Medication Adherence Scale (MMMAS-8) was widely used in Malaysia to assess patient adherence to a drug regimen.
However, starting in 2015, Professor Donald Morisky and her team started charging researchers or practitioners USD 1-1.50 per test for copyright.
- Consequently, the usage of MMMMAS-8 was discontinued and patient adherence was evaluated subjectively.
In August 2023, Wiley Online Library retracted the article since an independent statistical review of the article concluded that the results were misleading due to issues regarding the sensitivity and specificity of the medical adherence scale used.
Malaysia Medication Adherence Assessment Tool (MyMAAT)
The Malaysia Medication Adherence Assessment Tool (MyMAAT) was developed by a multidisciplinary team with expertise in medication adherence and health literacy for use with diabetic patients.
- In March 2020, MyMAAT was introduced at all Ministry of Health facilities to assess patient medication adherence.
Regardless of the tool used, whether the Morisky Medication Adherence Scale or the MyMAAT, the reliability of self-reported assessment results heavily relies on patient honesty.
- While self-reporting provides valuable insights, more objective measures such as HbA1c in diabetes mellitus or viral load in HIV management offer a more robust assessment of adherence.
Rather than solely focusing on whether patients are taking medications as prescribed or sometimes skipping doses, we should acknowledge the inherent human imperfections, such as forgetfulness or competing demands on time and attention.
- Instead of focusing solely on patient blame for non-adherence, which can discourage honest reporting and hinder effective interventions, a more compassionate and understanding approach is crucial.
- Motivational interviewing, for example, can effectively engage patients in discussions about their challenges and support them in developing strategies for medication adherence.
External Links
- Pay up or retract? Survey creator's demands for money rile some health researchers, 2017
- How should medical researchers respond to false copyright infringement claims?, 2019
- Development and validation of Malaysia Medication Adherence Assessment Tool (MyMAAT) for diabetic patients, 2020
- Paper that helped form basis of pricy research tool retracted, 2023
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