Open As App


Open As App

Open As App is a no-code paltform that lets people turn calculations, lists and forms in a spreadsheet into mobile and web apps.

  • To create a functional calculator app, you have to be familiar with Microsoft Excel.

A detailed step-by-step on app creation guide is available here.


Make mobile application creation more accessible.

Check for update feature - Users can always manually click "Check For Updates" to sync the latest database changes.

  • Pop up notification of new database will appear if a new Excel file is uploaded to the Open As App Cloud.

Ability to change source file storage from Open As App Cloud to One Drive, Dropbox or Google Sheet.

  • To do this, navigate to "Update data source" and click "Edit URL"

Calculator app using Excel formulas can be designed easily (This is not feasible in AppSheet, Mdict or

Can be installed for offline use.


Limitations of free Plan

  • You can only create 1 app.
  • It is limited to only 1 additional people (unless it is a public app) and
  • Excel database file size is limited to 1 MB only.
  • Limited mobile application design (such as user interface).
  • Comes with "Powered by Open as App" label

NOTE: I come to notice that there might be configuration error whenever there is a critical change in the application content (especially adding new page). As a quick fix, users may have to delete the old homescreen shortcut and re-add it back to the homescreen.

Reminder When Updating Source File

Changes to the spreadsheet (e.g., changing sheet names or moving cell entries) that are not made in the Editor cannot be detected automatically.

  • If the structure of the new file is different from the file you created the initial app with, you have to make additional changes regarding the assignment in the app elements.
